Good Faith Estimate Notice

You are entitled to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” for your expected services from Rise Counseling PLLC. While it is not possible to know in advance how many sessions may be needed or provided to each patient, we have provided this estimate based on what the charges could be for your services as of the date above. 

This Good Faith Estimate is not intended to serve as a recommendation for treatment or a requirement that you need to attend a specified number of visits. The number of recommended sessions will depend on your Intake Evaluation and what you and Rise Counseling PLLC believe is appropriate based on your individual circumstances. The total cost of services may depend on your progress, how many counseling sessions you attend each week, and whether you request additional sessions. You may choose to discontinue your counseling sessions at any time. 

Please let Rise Counseling PLLC know if you have questions about your treatment plan, payment options, or the information provided in this Good Faith Estimate.